
Breeds that Can’t Fly In-Cargo: Why is my French Bulldog prohibited from travel via air cargo?

French Bulldog prohibited from travel via air cargo

Certain dog and cat breeds are prohibited for transport via cargo by most airlines. For it's been determined by reviewing the Department of Transportation (DOT) Animal Incident Reports that certain breeds of dogs are more prone to death during transport in cargo. Back in 2010, the DOT published a press release due to the increasing numbers of death...

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  1678 Hits

Pet Age Limits for Air Travel?


What are the minimal age requirements for domestic air travel for dogs and cats? Great question! Before answering, I think we need a regulatory authority lesson. There are federal regulations, state regulations, and airline policies regarding the transport of dogs and cats. The federal regulations set minimal standards for domestic transport of dog...

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  1250 Hits

CDC has announced a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for CDC’s Dog and Cat Importation Regulations

Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for CDC’s Dog and Cat Importation

Effective August 1, 2023, the CDC is extending the temporary suspension of the importation of dogs from countries classified by the CDC as high risk for dog rabies. This temporary suspension is effective until July 31, 2024, and applies to all dogs, including puppies and service animals, that have been in a high-risk country within the six months b...

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  860 Hits

Find the requirements for travel as pets in-cabin for the airline.

So…what do I need to know regarding traveling with my pet in-cabin?

I know, I know…. you want your pet with you. However, just because the airline allows dogs and cats to travel as pets in-cabin, not all meet the criteria. Is your pet the correct size to fit in a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) compliant soft-sided crate? Does the crate allow space for your pet to stand and turnabout comfortably? Some pets th...

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  1518 Hits

Are you up to date on Pet Airline Policy?

Pet Airline Policy

With so many things on the list of things to do prior to planning a flight with your pet, make sure that you check out the airline's policy on pets prior to booking.These rules may have changed since the world has opened back up and everyone is flying.So, make sure to check before booking so that your pet doesn't get left behind. These articles wil...

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  1169 Hits

Taking Trips with Your Road Dog

Taking Trips with Your Road Dog

Spring is here and depending on where you are the warmer weather is out and it is felling good! And as many Pet Parents do, it is that time of year to start taking our dogs on road trips with us. But what all goes into a road trip with our dogs? Yes, it takes planning and preparation just like if you have children. So here is a great article from a...

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  1210 Hits

Tips to Bringing Your Pet on Vacation


It is summertime and the world is opening back up and open to the thought of travel. Many of us even bring our pet companions along for the ride. This is a great article from our friends at The Northern Kentucky Tribune that speaks to just that notion with some great tips. Over half of owners consider their pets when making vacation plans; tips for...

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  1136 Hits

CDC’s Dog Importation Regulations- IT’S COMPLICATED!!!


If you are traveling with a dog and wish to enter the US, please be aware that you must comply with US importation regulatory requirements. Importation of personal pets is regulated by CDC, while the importation of dogs for commercial sale/adoption is regulated by USDA. For the importation of personal pets, CDC has updated their dog importation reg...

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  978 Hits

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Pets Fly Safety


Atlanta, GA


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